Primary School
The primary school of Mukuyu is located in the sub locality of Lwala, locality Gwassi Sud, division of Gwassi, district of Suba, province of Nyanza. The school began its activity in 1974 with 24 enrolled students. It is 8 km from the main road connecting Sori to Magunga. It borders the district of Migori along the shores of Lake Victoria.
The school had five incomplete permanent classes and eight latrines, of which four permanent and four semi-permanent. Three other temporary classes had a precarious structure, as well as the building for teachers.
Il progetto si è concluso positivamente con il completamento di tutte le aule fornite di arredamenti e materiale scolastico per gli alunni, degli uffici del preside e del vicepreside e la sala insegnanti.
Mukuyu Primary School Project (ITALIAN ONLY)