Primary School
Wachara karungu primary school is located in Sori sub-location in Sori location karungu Division Nyatike District of Migori County in Kenya.
School History
The school was started in 1970 as a community project to facilitate learning for the young children who could not access education in the existing government institution which were very far from the area. In 1976, government registered the school as a full primary school from E.C.D to Class 8.
School Population
During the registration, there were 56 pupils from ECD to standard 8.
This year (2014) the population of the school is 104 children in ECD and 416 in primary section i.e. from 1-8
The community donated the parcel of land where the school is located.
When the school took off in 1970 learning was taking place under trees and letter grass thatched houses were built by the community members. By 1980, the community managed to put up five semi-permanent classrooms for Class 1-5 while the other classes learnt under the tree and grass thatched classrooms. By 1983, the school sat for Kenya Certificate of Primary Examination for the first time.
From the time the school took off, learners used to sit on the floor or on stones. Later the community brought few desks and books which were used by learners.
Academic Performance
From 1983 when the school sat for National exams for the first time the mean score was 105 far below the average mean which is 250. The school showed some little improvement by the year 2000 when mean score improved from 105 t0 232.
Project Description
The Intervita and Dala Kiye have given a lot of support to this school under the following headings:
- Desks – the school has received 70 metal desks from the Intervita project which has improved learning condition in the school
- Text Books – The school received text books from the Intervita group which has really improved the academic performance.
- Two ECD Classrooms – Dala Kiye and Intervita in 2013 built two ECD classrooms for the school. The ECD used to learn under the trees.
It is a great pleasure and appreciation that these innocent children now enjoy their education in permanent classrooms
Date of Completion
Construction of Wachara Primary ECD Classrooms was started in the month of July 2013 and ended on September 2013.
Total Cost for the Construction
The total cost for the 2 ECD Classrooms construction was Ksh. 3,190,966..00 (€ 27.615,11)