African Child Day – 2007

Published Categorized as Celebrations

Combat child trafficking

The day of the African child, an event that has been celebrated every year since 2005, to commemorate the huge massacre that involved thousands of children in Soweto, South Africa, took place on June 16, 2007, at the Masara Primary School , Migori district, with the fight against child trafficking as a central theme.

All the children hosted in the shelters of the St. Camillus Dala Kiye center, together with over 3000 children from 13 different schools, joined the celebration.
The symbolic meanings of the day dedicated to the African child propose as an open forum to encourage and promote practices for the protection and safety of children of the African continent, through the awareness of the community.

More than 3500 people, including active members of the community and government representatives, took part in the initiative, which took place through different activities: the evocative procession, full of colors, songs, dances and sounds of African percussion ; the shows and performances prepared by the children of the various schools, aimed at denouncing the forms of abuse and mistreatment that are perpetrated against children, soliciting public initiatives for the protection of children and the prevention of such practices of prevarication, violence and oppression.

The principal of the Masara school, the government representatives and the various organizations then addressed the community, giving speeches in line with the central themes of the day of the African child.

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