SAK – Food Suppport Karungu

Sponsored by MADIAN ONLUS, TURIN January 2023


The SAK project – Food support in Karungu aims to contribute to solving the problem of malnutrition in the locality of Karungu and its surroundings, with the promotion of food security. The Dala Kiye center is an institution born with the aim of providing a place of welcome to orphaned children in precarious health conditions, all HIV-positive. The orphaned children who are admitted to the Pediatrics ward are usually suffering from malaria, HIV, tuberculosis, meningitis and other diseases that the structure is committed to following and treating, but the most serious and complex problem is certainly that of malnutrition. Malnutrition is one of the most terrible antagonists of human health and community development, preventing people from working, making study difficult, causing problems in pregnancy, promoting disease and creating problems in the growth of children. Malnutrition is an invisible threat that kills every day, especially in a place like Karungu, where the HIV rate is among the highest in Kenya. An HIV-positive person must take antiretroviral therapy in order to survive, which in turn must be accompanied by three nutritious daily meals in order to function properly.

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