Primary School EDCE
The school was started in 1987 and had only three classes (1 -3). The school sat for its first Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination in 1992.
The school is currently having a child population of 610 primary pupils and 180 ECDE children.
The teacher population stands at 12 teachers employed by the government and 3 ECDE teachers employed by the parents.
In 2007, the school received support from St. Camillus Dala Kiye in collaboration with ATTICO ITALY. The support was towards improvement of the general classroom and administration block infrastructure.
In the year 2017, St. Camillus Dala Kiye in collaboration with We World Onlus helped to construct an ECDE block. The block was officially handed over to the school in the month of June 2017. Apart from the new building, the school has also received a lot of support from the two organizations. Some of the support areas were school uniform and levies support to the orphans in the school, medical support to the OVC , implementation of school health program and promotion of hygiene through the establishment of hand washing facilities.
The construction of the ECDE block was at a cost of Ksh 2,822,787.
The work was completed in February 2017.