Access to drinking water and basic sanitation for the population

Health and Development NGOs with many years of experience in the field of planning and managing interventions for the socio-economic development of peoples, launched in May 2014 the three-year project “Promoting access to drinking water and basic sanitation for the population of the Division of Karungu, Kenya“, thanks to the financing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Cooperation/.

The access to drinking water is a prerequisite , both for the effectiveness of health care interventions and for local economic development.
The project provides for the realization of a water system articulated in water kiosks at schools and aggregation points administered by local management groups for over sixteen thousand beneficiaries of the division of Karungu. In addition, there will be the creation of primary toilets and the training of staff. All this is supported by intense campaigns of health and hygiene education and awareness for the local community.
What we have done until today
- set up a water management group, expression of a popular assembly
- realizzato parte del sistema idrico
- trained 10 artisans on construction of primary health services
- trained 50 secondary school students on sustainable water management and the dissemination of new technologies and renewable energy for the development of rural communities