World Day Against AIDS 2019

Published Categorized as Celebrations

Verso una copertura sanitaria universale: comunità unite per una generazione libera dell’HIV


Vorrei ringraziare tutti coloro che hanno partecipato e reso la Giornata Mondiale control l’AIDS un successo. Grazie a bambini, caregiver e membri della comunità per aver intrattenuto il pubblico con canzoni, scenette e spettacoli teatrali educativi oltre che istruttivi e in linea con il tema.
Vorrei anche ringraziare gli ospiti presenti, gli amici del Dala Kiye, i leader della comunità, le parti interessate per la vostra risposta positiva al nostro invito; questo mostra l’amore che ci unisce nell’unità.
Vorrei anche estendere la mia gratitudine ai membri dello staff del Dala Kiye che hanno lavorato instancabilmente per fare in modo che la giornata sia stata un successo; ciò non sarebbe stato possibile senza il lavoro del team e le capacità organizzative. Grazie.
Sono onorato e grato ai nostri partner per il loro sostegno finanziario, rivolgo sinceramente la mia gratitudine alla Fondazione We World per il loro immenso sostegno e altre organizzazioni che hanno contribuito a sostenerci finanziariamente, Dio vi benedica pienamente. 
Per coronare tutto, ringrazio l’Onnipotente Dio per la sua forza e saggezza in tutto.

Padre Emilio Balliana


The World AIDS Day has been celebrated around the world every year for more than 30 years since its inception. This celebration was born to create awareness of the disease (AIDS).

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 37.9 million people are living with HIV at the end of 2018. 79% had been tested, 62% treated, while 53 % had achieved mitigation of the HIV virus with a reduced risk of infection for others, yet there are still millions of HIV patients who still do not have access to HIV tests, treatments and medications. In 2017, according to the Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey (KAIS), there were approximately 52,800 new infections at all ages, 44,800 among adults over the age of 15 and 8,000 under the age of 14.

Of the new infections estimated, Migori County, affiliated with St. Camillus Mission Hospital, had 2,814 new infections. Kenya has continued to see a sharp decline in its incidence due to various interventions that have contributed
to achieving the suppression of the virus, but it is still necessary to reach viral zero through several interventions put in place.

It is for the above mentioned that we at Dala Kiye in collaboration with We World Kenya Foundation and other stakeholders such as the KARP project at St. Camillus M. Hospital, Mercy Orphans support group and friends of the St. Camillus mission gathered at Dala Kiye to celebrate the event and create awareness.

The theme adopted in Kenya for 2019 is “Towards universal health coverage: communities united for a generation free of HIV”

The gardens of the Dala Kiye were nicely arranged with tents mounted on strategic points and chairs arranged appropriately for the event. The banner was also placed in such a way that everyone read and internalized the message; the shirts were worn by participants and staff members with the message indicating the theme of the occasion. Children, health workers, and community members were ready for the celebrations at 9:30 in the morning.

The Holy Mass began at 10.00 with the children of Dala Kiye and the mothers who lead the S. Mass with songs and dances. The S. Mass was presided over by Fr. Emilio and concelebrated by Fr. John and Fr. Gabriel. Fr. Emilio in his sermon spoke of the increase in HIV prevalence rates in Migori and Homabay County, despite the awareness created by organizations, and urged those present to join in the fight against the disease since it affects us all in one way or another. Many of us are affected or infected by the disease. He also urged the congregation to help each other by showing love and kindness and living our lives in a way that brings glory to God.

After the S. Mass Fr. Emilio introduced the guests including the diocesan coordinator for health Sister Gaudencia of the parish of Angiya, the sisters of the hospital St. Joseph Ombo, of the Dispensary of Mirogi and the sisters of the parish of Kiranda and to finish the leaders of the community. He also welcomed all children, caregivers and the community for the occasion and urged them to work together to help contain the spread of HIV and be examples for the younger generations.

The master of ceremony took the floor, welcoming everyone, then gave indications on the different tents and on the activities of each. Entertainment has begun. First on stage was a Nyamanga elementary school girl with a poem about HIV, the poem opened the eyes of those who live by engaging in risky behavior as the consequences of such behaviors lead to suffering and death. Operation Triple Zero (OTZ) group, made up of Dala Kiye children, help convey the message, led by the KARP Project, about adequate medical care in order to achieve zero viral load. They then took the stage with an educational song about holding hands and offering help and encouragement to people infected and affected by the virus in one way or another and to live positively regardless of their status. Sori’s caregivers also presented a beautiful skit about people affected and infected with the virus and how the disease is killing and leaving orphaned children and forcing them to become breadwinners at an early age, and how this ultimately forces girls into early marriage.

Among a series of entertainments by the pupils, there was a testimony of a member of the OTZ club who is led by the KARP project. He took courage and talked about his HIV status, something that most people don’t find easy to talk about because of the resulting stigma.

She spoke bravely about how she was born with the virus and lived with it for many years. In his speech he said that he takes medicines in time, eats a balanced diet from locally available foods, does exercise, drinks water and relaxes the mind from negative thoughts. He invited those present to speak boldly about their status and to live in a positive way. He also highlighted some of the risky behavior among young people and married couples and warned them of the consequences of such risky behavior.

While the entertainment was in progress, there were people lining up at the counseling and test (VCT) tents to learn about their status and receive appropriate services. Both the elders and the young people visited the tents and were optimistic. The staff offered the necessary services in compliance with
their own conduct regarding employment policy. A total of 25 people (10 males, 15 females) were tested with all negative tests, indicating progress in the fight against the HIV virus.
At 1:00 pm lunch was served. Those in attendance were served with soft drinks, bread, cookies and sweets while the invited guests took their meal in the dining room. There was a heavy downpour, but that didn’t stop the event from continuing.

After lunch there were a number of games that were held along with other activities. The first men’s football competition was between Nyamanga and Karungu FC in which spectators remained glued to the match that was very hard: final result 2-0. The second match was
between Nyamanga vs Rabuor who played aggressively. The match was fun although with many challenges ended with Rabuor 2 Nyamanga 0. The third and last football match was between Rabuor and Karungu Fc who showed their skills on the field with many moments both funny and dramatic
. The match ended in a draw.

Then came the bucket game in balance: 7 women had to fill buckets with water and balance it in the head while running over a distance of 100 meters. A lot of skill was needed here and they all did it really well but there had to be one winner: Avoid Anyango from Agolomuok.
Finally there was the tug-of-war game by two groups of women with 10 participants each in which they had to pull opponents from their side using a rope. The game was fun as it was muddy and therefore required a lot of skill. The women pulled the rope while the people
clapped; finally after dancing long in the mud the team of Lwanda Magwar emerged winner.

At the end of the day, local gospel artists and other artists entertained people with songs that they saw singing and dancing the crowd. The event ended at 17.30 with awards given to the best performers in different categories, the most encouraging artists wrote a
essay on the role of communities in curbing the threat of the HIV virus in order to achieve a viral load of zero.

This has been supervised by staff members. People if have gone away, concluding the celebrations successfully.