Published Categorized as Hospital


We are pleased to present to you the 26th edition of our hospital statistics for the year 2024.

We are pleased to present to you the 26th edition of our hospital statistics for the year 2024. The hospital administration takes this opportunity to appreciate the great achievements and accomplishments attained as a level 4 hospital, all of which came about through our strategies and plans, which are focused on providing quality healthcare services to our patients.

Through donor funding and our local contribution, we were fortunate to have upgraded our facility through the gradual acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment & gadgets for our various departments.

In May, both the dental and eye clinics were re-opened and are now operational. The NHIF (National Hospital Insurance Fund) was phased out and replaced by the SHA (Social Health Authority) in October.

This year, most of our hospital departments recorded a great increase in the number of patients seen and tests done. Most notable is the increase in the number of in and outpatients served this year compared to last year. The number of deliveries conducted and operations performed also increased, the radiology department also saw an increase in the tests done, not forgetting and MCH clinic which served more mothers and infants this year compared to last year. There was a very slight decrease in the number of laboratory tests done and the heart examinations also went down.

Other projects still ongoing in our hospital include:

  • The ART project had a total number of 3,291 patients on antiretroviral treatment at the close of the year.
  • The sickle cell project where Sickler’s are given hydroxy urea drugs which are hard to find.
  • The cervical cancer project under which female cancer patients are supported financially to access specialized treatment
  • Vitamin K prophylaxis project for underweight newborn babies.
  • The blood donation campaign project for the hospital’s blood bank.

To all our partners and donors both local and international, we acknowledge and treasure your continued collaboration, partnership, and support towards our hospital.

Fr. Emilio Balliana Hospital Director