World AIDS Day – 2016

Published Categorized as Celebrations

Prevention of new HIV infections among adolescents and young adults

Special Thanks

First of all, I want to thank Almighty God for his eternal protection and undoubted love for us. My sincere gratitude goes to all the people present at the 2016 World AIDS Day last November 27th. Your presence, your participation and the contribution you have made to make this day a success, demonstrates how enthusiastic we are all in showing solidarity with people living with HIV / AIDS.
A big thank you goes to the Most Illustrious Rev. Bishop Phillip Anyolo of the Diocese of Homabay for celebrating Holy Mass and staying with us the whole day.
I would also like to thank the religious groups and health institutions of the Diocese of Homabay, Asumbi, Mirogi, Ombo, Rakwaro , Golgotha ​​and St Camillus for being with us on this day.
I appreciate the wonderful work done by the children in entertaining those present and guests with songs, dances and poems.
I would also like to thank the staff from DalaKiye for planning and organizing the ceremony successfully.
A big thank you to our local partner Mercy who with the orphan support group and St. Camillus KARP have made a contribution to the realization of the day.
We thank the WE WORLD Kenya foundation for the financial support. Your contribution ensured that everything ran smoothly and smoothly.

P. Emilio Balliana – Program Director


“World AIDS Day” normally takes place on December 1st every year and is an opportunity for all the people of the world to join in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and for commemorate the people who died from the virus. This day is important because it reminds the public that there is still a need to raise funds, raise awareness, fight prejudice and improve knowledge of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
The theme of the celebration of this year it was; “Prevention of new HIV infections among adolescents and young adults.” We try to improve the prevention strategy, identifying the key points where it is possible to intervene, among specific groups of people who are vulnerable to
transmission: adolescent boys and girls and in particular young men and women.
Each year St. Camillus Dala Kiye joins the rest of the world in celebrating World AIDS Day. This year the celebration took place on November 27, 2016.
Among those present was the bishop of the diocese of Homabay the Rev. Phillip Anyolo and several guests from various health organizations working within the diocese: Asumbi , Mirogi, Ombo, Rakwaro, Golgotha ​​and the brotherhood of St Camillus. Present were teachers and pupils
from nearby schools, OVC orphans with their tutors. Two Italian girls also participated, Ylenia and Teresa, who carry out civil service here in the hospital and Giovanni, who follows the MAE drinking water project .
The day began with the Holy Mass celebrated by the Rev Bishop Philip Anyolo with the participation of Fr Emilio, Fr Elphas Kolia and Fr Claudio Moscatelli.

The Bishop reminded those present of three important events to be held next year in the diocese of Homabay:

the “World Day of the Sick” on 11 February 2017.

During this day all men are invited to take care of the sick and show compassion towards those living with HIV. The day will be celebrated at the St Josephs Mission Hospital, in Ombo.

The other important event is the

“Nursing Day”to be held on 7 May 2017

It will be dedicated exclusively to nursing staff. The event will be celebrated at the Asumbi mission. All health workers were invited to attend the day.

The third appointment will be the

“World AIDS Day”

It will be celebrated at the St. Camillus Dala Kiye on the Sunday closest to the 1st of December each year. It will be celebrated at the St Camillus Dala Kiye.

After Holy Mass, Fr. Emilio Balliana thanked the bishop for honoring the invitation to celebrate Mass. He then presented the guests of the various parishes and health institutions present at the day. He concluded his speech by inviting representatives of the
religious brotherhoods to lunch and thanking everyone present for participating in the celebration.

After Holy Mass, Fr. Emilio Balliana thanked the bishop for honoring the invitation to celebrate Mass. He then presented the guests of the various parishes and health institutions present at the day. He concluded his speech by inviting representatives of the
religious brotherhoods to lunch and thanking everyone present for participating in the celebration.

An interesting race was organized with a bucket of water balanced on the head. Six women of Sidika, Sori and Bondo Kosiemo with buckets full of water and well balanced, challenged each other in the race to the finish line. After running for three times as training, each group in the race has identified two women to compete for the finals. He won the group
Pilister Akeyo of Sori.

While the entertainments followed, those present could visit the stands set up for the occasion. Many people visited the booth where they could request information about HIV and where they could know their status by taking the test (VCT). Compared to last year, the number of people who took the voluntary test increased. Out of a total of 59 people tested, 35 were males and 24 females. There were only 3 new infections this year; 1 male and 2 female.

An interesting race was organized with a bucket of water balanced on the head. Six women of Sidika, Sori and Bondo Kosiemo with buckets full of water and well balanced, challenged each other in the race to the finish line. After running for three times as training, each group in the race has identified two women to compete for the finals. He won the group
Pilister Akeyo of Sori.

During the entertainments, Br. Bonaventure, one of the Camillian Brothers and the nurse in charge of St. Camillus Mission Hospital, gave a report on the importance of health insurance (NHIF). Fr. Bonaventure also informed those present about the new services covered by health insurance such as the ambulance service for women giving birth in hospital and childbirth. Several people have recounted moving testimonies about their experiences with HIV and AIDS, both directly and indirectly. These testimonies encouraged the community to continue to care for people with HIV and reduce prejudice.

At 1:00 in the afternoon, there was a lunch break. The children and their companions were served a refreshment, the guests gathered at the cafeteria for lunch.
After the lunch break, all those present came down to the playing field to watch a netball match between Nyamanga Primary School and Wachara Primary School. After an hour of the match played animatedly, he won Wachara Primary School.

The entertainment of the day ended with football matches. Nyamanga’s youth team played with Rabuor’s youth team. A particularly tough match was played between the boys of Gunga primary school and the boys of B.L. Tezza primary school. B.L. Tezza beat Gunga 1-0. The boys from Sori primary school played against the boys from Rabuor primary school. After a tough game that cost 60 minutes of effort to both teams, he won on penalties the team of Rabuor who beat Sori 3-0.

A lottery was organized for World AIDS Day this year. The sale of tickets, at a cost of 20 shillings, began the previous day and continued until 16:30. Each buyer received a red ribbon to show solidarity with those living with HIV and AIDS. The first prize in the lottery was a goat, followed by a 210-liter plastic container of water, and then buckets, jugs, duvets and many more ….
The ticket was then drawn and the lucky one winner went home with the billy goat and the other winners with the prizes listed. A writing essay was also organized, the best writings of the senior and junior categories were awarded with bags, umbrellas and plastic containers.
To the children who presented songs, dances and poems related to the theme of the day, toothpaste, toothbrush and shoe polish were donated. Participants in the other games each received a bar of soap and finally, the women who participated in the running competition with the buckets, returned home with the containers.

World AIDS Day 2016 ended with a final prayer and all those present returned to their homes.