Published Categorized as Day to Day

Here is the September 22 edition of the Saint-Camille Dala Kiye Newsletter.

Usually, September is the month for new routines: autumn approaches, children go back to school, start their after school clubs, parents return to their work schedules and everyone is already thinking about the arrival of Christmas. Here in Dala Kiye this month marks the end of term 2, mock exam tests begin and the start of the last term of the school year. For the children in class 8 it will even be the last term of primary school before they take off for new experiences in life and continuation of their studies. We emphasize everyday the importance of studying here, pushing our children in the center to give their best and enabling them to use to its maximum the opportunity they have been given, especially as in many countries and Kenya itself, studying is a privilege.

All previous editions of Milone are available in the Newsletter section of the site.