New Projects for the year 2023

Published Categorized as Dala Kiye Orphans Centre, Day to Day, Hospital, Volunteerism

The new fundraising projects in support of our daily activities that our Mission has planned for the year 2023 have been published.

Dala Kiye Orphans Centre

SAK – Food support for Karungu

This project, sponsored by MADIAN ONLUS of TURIN, aims to help solve the problem of malnutrition in the town of Karungu and its surroundings, with the promotion of food security.

St. Camillus Hospital

Provision of medication for sickle cell disease

The statistics from our hospital for the last year 2022 reveal that we treated a total of 127 children treated for sickle cell anaemia, 55 of whom were needy and vulnerable. With this project, we are asking for the necessary support to enable these children to receive drugs that are appropriate to their condition.

Support to female cancer patients

The village of Karungu, as is the case in most rural areas of Kenya, has no cancer health facilities, forcing patients to travel long distances to receive the necessary care that, often, is not even financially within their reach. Most often they cannot afford. With this new project, the hospital of our mission aims to implement the health program entitled “WFC – Women Free Cancer” with the goal of reaching about 50 women in their journey “free from cancer”.