The Day of African Child – 2006

Published Categorized as Various

Each year, since 2005 Migori district have been marking the Day of the African Child on June 16th.  Under the provisions of the structure of the Area Advisory Council, an Organizing Committee whose members comprise key persons in government departments, NGO, and CBO is always formed at the district level to steer the entire organization for the day’s celebrations. The secretary general and convener of all the organizing committee meetings is always the District Children’s Officer.

Last year’s celebrations were hosted by St. Camillus Dala Kiye Children Welfare Home in Karungu division as per the resolutions of the organizing committee. For this year 2006, the committee resolved that the day be hosted by World Vision at Wath Ong’er center in Nyatike division. The committee allocated shares of responsibilities and budgetary contributions to every organization/stakeholder in the district. St. Camillus Dala Kiye Children Welfare Home joined the entire Migori District in marking the Day of the African Child at Wath Ong’er Market Center at 25km distance away.

This year’s Day of the African Child was celebrated remarkably and at a time when the theme was resounding fresh memories about cases of violence against children in the district and the republic of Kenya. The day provided an open forum for stakeholders to identify, explore and reflect the integrity of our communities in preserving the present for our future. The creation of Child Protection Units at all levels was underscored and all are responsible.

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