The Grand Donations

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Mercy Orphans Support Group – Book Day

The much awaited day for the pupils of Karungu finally came. To most of the pupils, this was not just a day like any other day but a special day for them as a dream had finally come to be true. The generous hands of the good people of America appeared to them and solved one their biggest problem. This was the day that the pupils turned up to witness the reception of books that had been donated to them by Sabre Foundation through CRS Kenya and Mercy Orphans Support Program.

On this special afternoon, from sectors people different within Karungu division gathered at St Camillus Dala Kiye auditorium to witness the official handing over of books to the destined beneficiaries. Among those present were the District Officer Karungu divisions, the area chief, head teachers and teachers from various schools within the division, pupils from Odendo, Kopala and Rabuor primary schools. Director St Camillus Dala Kiye Fr. Emilio Balliana, Mercy Orphans Support Program staff and a team from CRS Kenya who were the days special guest who came hand over the books.

When all the awaited guests had arrived, the days program started with a prayer from Fr. Emilio whom in his prayers thanked the almighty God for the generous contribution that was being handed over to the people of Karungu. The project chairman whom also acted as the days master of ceremony started by giving a brief introduction of Mercy Orphans what it is, what it does and when it started up to present.

This was followed by numerous speeches from various invited guests. One of the head teacher commented while giving his speech that this is very big relief to the pupils and even the teachers as they could now have different materials for reference and research. The district Officer on his part, appreciated what the . donor had done as it was greatly going to help improve the educational standards of pupils within the division.

“As this is an area which is much heat by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, the number of orphans has increased tremendously and most pupils are not able to access the required books for their studies” he noted.

He also appreciated the work Mercy Orphans Support Program is doing within the division. The District officer also urged the pupils to work hard in school and make good use of the books to improve their performance as that is the only way they will show that they actually needed the books. The day’s activities climaxed when the visitors from CRS Kenya took to the floor to convey the greetings from CRS Kenya and the donor who donated the books, Sabre Foundation. They appreciated the worm welcome that had been accorded to them and encouraged the pupils to make good use of the books.

There was excitement on the faces of the pupils who were eager to have a glance the books finally had a chance to get hold of one and peruse through. This was the moment when the books were finally handed over to the pupils. “ I like this math’s book because it is easy to understand since it has explanations and illustration on them” commented one of the pupils after having gone through a mathematics book entitled Math in my World.

After the official handing over of the books, the pupils and the invited guests had some snacks to bite while perusing different books. The visitors finally left at their own pleasure very happy with the “Golden Donations” they had received from Sabre Foundation.

Report by. Felix S Owino