COVID-19 report update

Published Categorized as Hospital
Karungu Dala Kiye Covid Update

The St. Camillus Mission Hospital, which has always been committed to providing access to quality health services to the marginalized, is currently at the forefront of fighting and taking preventive measures against the Covid-19 pandemic.

After the first Covid-19 was confirmed in Kenya, the hospital has implemented various prevention and preparation measures to deal with any infection.


  • On March 12, 2020, the first case of corona virus infection was diagnosed in Kenya.
  • On March 15, schools in Kenya were closed and children were released to go home; both primary and secondary schools B.L.Tezza have been closed.
  • March 16, the inauguration of the dormitory of the special school B.L.Tezza for the deaf took place with a small ceremony and after which the school was closed and the children returned to their families without enjoying their new school dormitory. / li>
  • March 16, Dala Kiye was officially closed to the public. We World Project and Mercy Orphans Group staff were released to work from home. Only essential staff have been retained and no visitors are allowed to enter the Dala Kiye.


  • March 16, we have provided some sanitation including soap, water and disinfectants for our staff, patients and visitors entering the hospital complex.
  • March 17th, we have printed notices with instructions on preventive measures to be taken by all to avoid contracting the disease including, washing hands regularly, unhealthy with hands, adhering to the social distance which is 1 meter away, wear face masks at all times. Notices were posted in all hospital departments, including the main entrance gate.
    On the same day we made it mandatory for all those entering or leaving the hospital to wash their hands with soap and water at the gate.
    In the afternoon, a medical team from the county inspected our hospital for possible preparation.
  • March 18, 1 doctor and 1 nurse participated in the training meeting held by the Ministry of Health on the Corona virus in Macalder.
  • On March 19th, we gave masks to all our staff with the obligation to wear them appropriately by covering both the nose and the mouth while on duty. Iniltre, the first screening room was prepared for suspected cases of Covid-19. Our former children’s ward was equipped with beds and other medical supplies needed to serve as a waiting room for all suspected cases of Covid-19 before being moved to Nyatike.
  • March 20, we have suspended the procession of the Via Crucis which was celebrated every Friday evening during the period of Lent in the hospital complex.
  • March 21, we officially closed the Mortuary on the directive of the Ministry of Health. Any deaths occurring inside the hospital must be taken away from relatives immediately and buried within 48 hours.
  • March 22, we interrupted all religious services at the hospital. The Dala Kiye and the Novitiate will have to organize themselves to organize themselves.
  • March 23, a tent was erected at the gate for infrared temperature control for all those entering the hospital.
  • March 26, visits to the sick by relatives or friends have been suspended and only one person can remain to assist the sick.
    The Italian foundation We World, and the KCCB (Catholic Episcopal Conference of Kenya) and the CEI (Italian Episcopal Conference) have made themselves available to support the purchase of the medical equipment necessary for the case.
  • April 10, the government made the use of masks mandatory in public.
  • April 14, a nurse participated in the training organized by the MOH in Nyathike.

I would like to encourage all of us in this time of suffering and anguish, trying to be instruments of hope and love for those who suffer as we have been called by our Lord and St. Camillus and united in prayers I believe we will survive this period .


P. Emilio Balliana
Karungu 22/04/2020