40th Anniversary of Priesthood Ordination of Fr. Emilio Balliana

Published Categorized as Celebrations, Day to Day, Events

On November 27th, the Community of Karungu met to celebrate the anniversary of 40 years of priesthood ordination of Fr. Emilio. 

This day also marked the first Sunday of Advent, an important day, a strong time of waiting and conversion, which leads us to experience the great solemnity of the Lord’s Nativity. These two events that took place on the same day brought the community closer together, who gathered at 10 in the morning to celebrate Holy Mass at the St. Camillus Mission Hospital. The Religious of St. Camillus were present: Fr. John, Fr. Patrick, Fr. Dominic, Fr. Paolo. Guests have come to the structure traveling from far away, among whom Deacon Pius arrived from Nairobi on the morning of the celebration, as a representative of the Delegation of the Camillians; the nuns of Ivrea from Macalder, the congregation of the nuns of the Blessed Virgin of Cremona of the Kiranda mission. The mayor of Karungu participated showing his gratitude for all the years of service of Fr. Emilio. To Fr Emilio’s surprise and happiness, two alumni of the Dala Kiye Center traveled from Nairobi to attend the event: John, a history and religion teacher and Philip, also a teacher of English literature in international schools. The Italian volunteers, Emma D’Andrea and Gaia Cagnacci were present, in addition to the 60 children of the Dala Kiye center and some staff members of the St. Camillus M. Hospital.Presenti i Religiosi del St.Camillus: P. John, P. Patrick, P. Dominic, P. Paolo. Gli ospiti sono giunti presso la struttura viaggiando da molto lontano tra cui il Diacono Pius è arrivato da Nairobi la mattina stessa alla celebrazione, come rappresentante della Delegazione dei Camilliani; le suore di Ivrea da Macalder, la congregazione delle suore della Beata Vergine di Cremona della missione di Kiranda. Il sindaco di Karungu ha partecipato mostrando la sua gratitudine per tutti gli anni di servizio di P. Emilio.

 These two events that take place on the same day brought the community closer together, gathering at 10.00 am to celebrate Holy Mass at St. Camillus M. Hospital. Guests came traveling from far away. Dcn. Pius arrived from Nairobi on the same morning of the celebration as a representative of the Camillian Delegation, the Ivrea Sisters from Macalder came and also the Blessed Virgin Sisters of Cremona from Kiranda Mission. The Chief of Karungu attended showing his gratitude for all the years of service of Fr. Emilio. To the surprise and happiness of Fr. Emilio, two alumni of the Dala Kiye center traveled from Nairobi to attend the event, John Ogutu Ochola, a teacher of history and religion and Philip Ochieng Nyalele, also a teacher of English literature in international schools. The Italian volunteers, Emma and Gaia were also present, in addition to the 60 children of the Dala Kiye center and some staff members. 

After gathering and greeting, Holy Mass begins at the altar, while celebrating Mass, Fr. Emilio exercises his liturgical ministry in the most sublime way. People listen, children look at him lovingly.

The priests of St. Camillus include: Fr. John, Fr. Patrick, Fr. Dominic, Fr. Paolo and Dcn. Pius. Particularly significant was the moment of the Prayers of the Faithful, moments that united the community thanking the Lord and Fr. Emilio for all his hard work as a missionary.

The Eucharist was concelebrated by the five priests and presided over by Fr. Emilio, uniting the community into one.

At the end of the Holy Mass there was a moment to pay homage and celebrate this day together. The children of Dala Kiye performed dances to the rhythm of drums and the guests then brought their gifts to Fr. Emilio.

 After Holy Mass and all thanksgiving, the guests gathered in the dining room to share a lunch together. 

Fr. Emilio was very happy with the gifts and blessings received from all his loved ones. The alumni of Dala Kiye had a cake prepared with images of Fr. Emilio’s life. A real surprise!

Fr. Emilio’s hard work over the years is absolutely incredible. Out of nowhere, without knowing exactly where the Lord would lead him, the way was shown to him. His days never really end. in the evening, despite the tiredness, Fr. Emilio thinks only of the people around him, of the mission and how best to direct it, without wasting the available resources.

 Despite the sufferings he witnessed during his years as a missionary in Kenya, and after the difficult road shown to him by the Lord, the hidden happiness emerges little by little, constant and silent every day.